Creating a Demand Estimate Review Assignment

Note: LYNX Services offers several service channels and the buttons available on the Assignment tab represent the services and assignments your company selected as part of their Insurance Carrier Configuration. The Help file addresses all available service channels and may include information and buttons not available on your screen.

Complete the following steps to send an Demand Estimate Review Assignment to LYNX Services:

  1. From the Assignment tab, click Demand Estimate Review. The Claim Info screen displays something like this .

    Note that all required fields are indicated by an astericks.

    Claim Assigned by
    defaults to your name and the Assigner Relation to Insured field defaults to Carrier Representative.

    Note: For LYNX Employees, select the carrier representative's name from the
    Claim Assigned by drop-down list.

  2. Enter the Claim Number. The system checks to ensure the number is formatted correctly. If the formatting is incorrect, you see a message indicating the proper formatting.

  3. Enter the Loss Date. Type in mm/dd/yy. This cannot be a future date.

  4. Select from the drop-down list the Loss State. The available states list is determined by the Carrier Configuration for your company.

  5. Enter information for the Insured:

  6. Enter your Comments to LYNX Claim Representative. Here you can provide information necessary to the handling of the claim. The field allows for a maximum of 500 characters.

  7. Click Next. The Vehicle Info screen displays something like this .

  8. Select the Party. Choose from 1st Party or 3rd Party.

  9. Select the Coverage:

  10. Enter the amount for the Deductible and Limit.

  11. Enter the Vehicle Owner information:
    Any applicable claim information is defaulted into these fields and can be edited.

  12. Enter the Vehicle Contact information:

  13. If LYNX Services is to handle rental for this claim, check the Rental box.

  14. Complete the Vehicle Information screen by entering the following vehicle items:

  15. Click Next. The Summary screen displays something like this  


    Review the information for accuracy. If necessary, click edit to return to the screen and edit the information.

    From the Summary screen, you can Add a Vehicle.

    Click Add Vehicle.

    Enter the Vehicle Information as outlined in Steps 8 to 14.

    Click Next.

  16. Click Submit to send the assignment to LYNX Services. The LYNX ID and Assignment Report display something like this


  17. Click Print a copy of the claim for your records.

You can then return to My Claims Desktop and the Assignment tab to submit another assignment or select the Search or View tab to review information for claims already submitted.